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University of Texas at Austin
University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

A+ Academics Contact Info

A+ Academics Director:
Lisa Parker

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Department Phone:

Department Fax:

A+ Meets

District & Invitational Meets for Grades 2nd thru 8th.

A+ District Meets

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! The A+ District Meet is the culminating event for A+ competition. Elementary and middle school/junior high students do not advance to another level of UIL competition after district.

There are two district meet timeframes: fall/winter district and spring district. Fall/winter district meets take place from December 1- January 31. The deadline to request fall/winter materials is September 26. Spring district meets take place from February 1- May 27. The deadline to request district meet materials is November 15.

District meet materials are requested here (these materials are provided to districts at no charge).

View upcoming District Meets

A+ Invitational Meets

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! Invitational meets may be scheduled from November 1- April 1. Many schools host or participate in an invitational meet as practice for a district meet. Order invitational materials at least four weeks before your meet date. The UIL offers a set of invitational contest material that includes A+ events except Music Memory. If you are hosting Music Memory during an invitational meet, you may create your own materials for that contest, or browse a list of outside vendors found here.

If you are hosting an invitational meet, UIL invitational materials are purchased here.

NOTE: Some districts purchase the "A+ Invitational Materials" because they have scheduled writing events to occur before the start of the fall/winter district meet timeframe of December 1- January 31. It is not necessary to complete an Invitational Meet Information form in these cases- simply notate "early writing" on the District Meet form, and be sure to purchase the Invitational Writing Events. When you purchase the A+ Invititational Writing Events through the UIL Store, make sure to include the date when you need the writing materials

View upcoming Invitational Meets